Today was nice. I got to sleep in until 8. Yay. I started cutting out the leather shoes I'm making my nephew for his birthday. They'll be mainly black, with red around the ankle and white skull and crossbones on the toes. These will be very similar to Robeez. Interested in making your own? You can get the patterns and some leather at Make Them Yourself for a reasonable price.

However, Carey kicked me out early for me free time. So I decided to go to the annual Hemp Fest. It was bigger than the last time I went and much more enjoyable. And while there were vendors there with the plants all over their stuff, as well as hand blown glass bongs, there were also a lot of hemp clothing and jewelry, as well other odds and ends. I found several people selling wonderful crystals and other jewelry, clothing I would have loved to have, and several environmental booths. I enjoyed wandering through the stalls and I saw a couple of people I knew. My favorite stall belonged to a local store that I have gone to several times that always has a lot of wonderful crystals and books. In fact, last year on the solstice we happened to be in there with Kitty and the proprietor gifted her with a large piece of jade that went into her blessing bag that evening. Yes, you read it right. He outright gave it to her. The cool thing is, she had been fussing but when he handed it to her she curled her tiny fingers around it, and went to sleep almost immediately. She was only about five days old at this time. I was quite pleased to find a copy of TheFoxfire Book from 1972, and a leather working book at this time. I also came home with several bumper stickers, pamphlets about local wildlife issues, and an amethyst in a silver spiral strung on a leather thong that had a wonderful feel to it. I did finally give in and buy a hotdog with my last dollar, only because I was too stupid to not have eaten breakfast before leaving home.

I finally left quite happily and made my way to the library. I got a new card for myself and then set out looking for some books. I left with three movies, including two Blackadder (wonderful stuff), Drinking the Rain, and My House Is Killing Me! I actually wanted Mold Survival Guide, however I had to request a copy from another library so I compromised. I have learned about some mold issues in My House although not to the extent that I wanted.

I'm really confused right now. I finally feel right about moving, I'm preparing myself mentally as well as physically and now Carey has stated he doesn't want to move! There are a lot of pros and cons for the new place.

Pros: NO MOLD!, more storage, lots of kids, nice layout
Cons: no trees, less living space, a little further for Carey to go to get to class and work, smaller play area (less equipment)

Sigh, I don't know what to do but we have to make up our mind very soon. Units are now being assigned to everyone (very annoying) and our current one may be reassigned out from under us, regardless of what we decide in the end. It also doesn't matter if we're still occupying it or not since the one we have been reassigned too currently has occupants which is part of the problem right there. We can't just go up, knock on the door and ask to tour the place. Bleh. Carey has been told that with the roof being redone, and some sort of solution that will be put on the mold (supposed to kill 100% on contact and prevent recurrence) that we won't have the same mold problems that we did this last winter. I never want to go through that again. So, do we risk staying in this place, hoping the mold will be gone, and give up a unit in the only other area we'd be willing to live in? Or do we move, get peace of mind, and have to downsize on a lot of stuff? This is a big conundrum that neither Carey or I can answer easily. :(

I also stopped by Carey's parents on the way home. I needed to see if Sue had a teflon foot I could borrow to sew the leather shoes and also to thank Stu again for giving us some wine. My parents came down last night to pick up a new fridge from Carey's parents and have dinner with us. So I spent a pleasant 20 minutes with Sue talking about quilt designs and looking at some Foxfire books I didn't know she had. I was thankful that she had the foot to loan to me and I'm sure it will help a lot.

Our Parent Circle meeting was a complete wash today. We were the only ones that showed up, unless everyone else decided that they were going to be late. Bleh. We waited for a few minutes, but we had to go home when Deedee had an accident. She had been complaining she needed to pee for some time, unfortunately there wasn't anyplace for her to go where we were at. We had gone to pick up some stuff that I got from Freecycle but the persons place was a complete pain to find. In fact, Carey had to stop at the police station to ask for directions! LOL

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